MONICA MĂRGINEANU CÂRSTOIU, De l’architecture hellenistique de Callatis: une expression originale du style ionique 5
STELUŢA GRAMATICU, On the metrology of the city of Istros in the autonomous period 21
GEORGE CUPCEA, Careers in the guard of the Dacian Governor 49
FELIX MARCU, GEORGE CUPCEA, Recent developments in the fort of Bologa and on the northwestern Dacian limes 67
ROBERT GINDELE, Die römerzeitlichen Barbarensiedlungen von Livada/Ciuperceni – Photovoltaik-Anlage GPSP Solaris und Supuru de Sus – Togul lui Cosmi. Neue Angaben bezüglich der rechteckigen Gruben mit gebrannten Wänden aus dem 2.-5. n. Chr. im oberen Theiss-Becken 83
DANIELA TĂNASE, Considerations on the archaeology of the Early Migrations Period in Banat 127
DANIEL-CĂLIN ANTON, Ethnische und chronologische Verhältnisse im Gräberfeld Nr. 3 von Brateiu, Siebenbürgen 153
DANIELA MARCU ISTRATE, Byzantine influences in the Carpathian Basin around the turn of the millennium. The pillared church of Alba Iulia 177
FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, The Sea Peoples: superior on land and at the sea 215
ADRIAN BĂLĂŞESCU, VALENTIN RADU, MIHAI CONSTANTINESCU, SORIN-CRISTIAN AILINCĂI, Animal exploitation in Babadag culture. Satu Nou – Valea lui Voicu site (Oltina, Constanța County) 227
EMILIAN TELEAGA, Die La-Tène zeitlichen Grabfunde aus Brateiu, jud. Sibiu, Rumänien. Ein Beitrag zum Grabwesen Siebenbürgens 241
ALEXANDER RUBEL, Afterlife and the living. The Arginusae trial and the omission of burying the dead 277
CORIOLAN HORAŢIU OPREANU, A detachment of the legio VII Gemina Felix at Porolissum. When and why? 299
FLORIN-GHEORGHE FODOREAN, Distances along the Roman roads in the ancient itineraries: from Britannia to Asia. A short comparison 311
CRISTINA MUJA, ADRIAN IONIŢĂ, Sexual dimorphism and general activity levels as revealed by the diaphyseal external shape and historical evidence: case study on a medieval population from Transylvania 319
SERGEY BOCHAROV, ANDREY MASLOVSKY, AYRAT SITDIKOV, The beginning of glazed ceramics production in the Southeast Crimea during the last quarter of the 13th century – the first quarter of the 14th century 329
CĂTĂLIN NICOLAE POPA, Late Iron Age archaeology in Romania and the politics of the past 337
CONSTANTIN C. PETOLESCU, Notes prosopographiques (VIII) 363
RAINER WIEGELS, Zwei gestempelte Silberbarren und ein spätantiker Goldbarren aus Crasna (Rumänien) 371
Ion Țurcanu, Antichitatea greco-romană la Nistru de Jos și în teritoriile învecinate, Editura Cartier, Chișinău, 2014, 760 p., 238 fig. (Thibaut Castelli) 377
Ennio Sanzi, Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Dolichenus. Un “culto orientale” fra tradizione e innovazione: riflessioni storico-religiose (I Saggi, 52), Roma, 2013, 398 p. (Florian Matei-Popescu) 378
Materiale și Cercetări Arheologice (serie nouă), X, 2014, București, Editura Academiei Române, 300 p. (Liana Oţa) 379
Abréviations 383